A Website Designed By Locals For
Visitors To Niagara Falls

General Niagara Falls Questions and Answers

Featured Questions:

What hotels do you recommend for our visit to Niagara Falls?

Which is the better side for viewing the falls?

Besides the waterfalls, what else is there to do around the Niagara area?

For other Destinations, go to www.askaresident.com

If you are from Niagara Falls and would like to answer visitor questions or recommend a
business, please write to the address below. Please include your phone number
and best time to call.

ASK A RESIDENT - Niagara Falls
P.O. Box 25133
Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33320


Coming to Niagara Falls?sm

Niagara Falls

Featured Fact

Less than 10% of
the water flows
over the American
Falls with the
balance flowing
over the Horseshoe
Falls. It is the
massive volume of
water that flows
over the Horseshoe
Falls that gives it its
green color.