A Website Designed By Locals For
Visitors To Corpus Christi

General Corpus Christi Questions and Answers

Corpus Christi
Dallas-Ft Worth
El Paso

San Antonio
South Padre Island

For other Destinations, go to www.AskaResident.com

If you are from Corpus Christi and would like to answer visitor questions or recommend
a business, please write to the address below. Please include your phone number
and best time to call.

ASK A RESIDENT - Corpus Christi
P.O. Box 25133
Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33320

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a
very nice town on
the coast of the
Gulf of Mexico.  
Being Texas'
largest coastal city,
Corpus Christi is a
popular place for
people looking for
a relaxing getaway.
 Corpus Christi is a
common stopping
place for day trips
to Mexico and
South Padre Island
but is in itself, a
great vacation spot.

Coming to Corpus Christi?sm